
  • Meet with Rachel and discuss the basics of your concerns. A free service!

  • A physical for your pelvic floor. Perhaps you’re planning a pregnancy and want to check for any potential issues, feel like something is “just not quite right,” or are even just curious about the state of your pelvic health. (Please note this is not a substitute for a yearly gynecological exam.)

  • Prepare for gender-affirming top or bottom surgery to promote faster healing and better surgical outcomes. Having complications, need assistance with post-surgical care, or want to optimize function after a top or bottom surgery? I work closely with surgeons to ensure proper protocols are followed so we can meet your goals safely.

  • Less severe tearing, less pain, shorter labors, faster perineal healing, and a better overall birth experience. Prepare your pelvic floor for labor and delivery (even if you’re not having any problems!) Having a planned Cesarean birth? Working with a pelvic health OT prior to delivering can still promote faster incision healing and less muscle damage.

  • Address issues such as pelvic pain, incontinence, constipation, prolapse, or any other concerns relating to the pelvic floor. Evaluations and treatment are tailored to the individual to promote the best possible outcomes and help you meet your goals.

  • Identify individual goals, engage around strengths, and address the areas of deficit in a manner that complements clinical treatment for mental health.

  • Designed for pregnant people to prepare for their role as a parent to a newborn. Gain practical resources for maintaining your mental health and a support network. First Thursday of every other month. Located inside Motherhood Matters, LLC

  • Join, share, or just listen to others with similar experiences in a supportive, encouraging environment. For parents with postpartum anxiety and depression; no diagnosis necessary. The third Sunday of every month from 10-11:30am. Free! Located inside Motherhood Matters, LLC

One of the most important things you can do on this earth is to let people know they are not alone.
— Shannon L. Adler
Pregnant person in pink dress
Parent reading to young children
Person laughing in a meeting